Select Presentations: 1983 - 2006
Dr. Bob Zybach introduces "co-presenter" Bill Hagenstein on the screen via Internet to his left, and Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project, Inc. (ORWW) media technician Josh Meredith (seated) to his right, at the beginning of his talk at Habanero's Restaurant in Medford, Oregon, February 21, 2006 (video capture: J. Meredith ORWW). ["Introduction": 4:38 min. MPG]
Presentations by
President, NW Maps Co.
Program Manager, Oregon Websites and
Watersheds Project, Inc.
The following collection of digitized articles, reports, video clips, hand-outs, maps, photos, and other materials has been selected from a number of presentations given by Dr. Bob Zybach over the past 25 years. The presentations and materials were selected because of their common focus on the forests and human history of the Pacific Northwest. Their use is intended entirely for research and education purposes and are provided free as a service by NW Maps Co., owner of many of the original files and documents. There is no charge for their use and reasonable reproduction, but author, source, date, and URL should be clearly indicated with such uses, and an email notification with appropriate link(s) as reference is also requested.
Also by Dr. Zybach:
Public Letters & Editorials, 1978-2003
Wilderness Controversy: the Oregon Wilderness Bill of 1983 Formal testimony to Sen. Mark Hatfield and Committee on behalf of Associated Reforestation Contractors, Inc. (ARC) at Hearing regarding HR 1149, the Oregon Wilderness Bill". Salem, Oregon, August 21, 1983. |
Douglas-fir as Weed: Reforestation Strategies in the Oregon Coast Range Coastal Oregon Producticity Enhancement (COPE) Program, Oregon State University College of Forestry. Corvallis, Oregon, June 1, 1987. |
"A Blanket of Old-Growth": Good Science, Myth, and the Historical Record. Siskiyou Chapter Oregon Society of American Foresters (SAF) and Southern Oregon Timber Industries Association (SOTIA). Medford, Oregon, October 21, 1993. |
Article |
Using Oral Histories to Document Changing Forest Cover Patterns: Soap Creek Valley, Oregon, 1500-1999. Masters of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) defense, Oregon State University, Forest Sciences Department. Corvallis, Oregon March 5, 1999. |
Land and People of Yaquina Bay: General Background to 1940. Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon, March 23, 2003 |
The Great Fires: Indian Burning and Catastrophic Forest Fire Patterns of the Oregon Coast Range, 1491-1951. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) defense, Forest Sciences Department, Oregon State University. Corvallis, Oregon, July 13, 2003. |
Indian Burning and Wildlife Habitat Patterns of the Oregon Coast Range, 1491-2004. Annual Meeting, Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society. Bend, Oregon, February 12, 2004. |
[Oregon] Coast Range Fire History: As it Relates to the Northwest Forest Plan Oregon Coast Range Province Advisory Council (PAC), Supervisor's Office, USDA Siuslaw National Forest. Corvallis, Oregon, April 15, 2004. |
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10,000 Years of Occupation and Use: Forest History of the Pacific Northwest at the Time of Lewis & Clark. Annual National Meeting of the Associated Certified Foresters of America (CFA). Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Washington, June 20, 2005. |
Lessons from B&B, Biscuit, and Babyfoot Lake: Why Wilderness Doesn't Work in the West Siskiyou Chapter Orgon Society of American Foresters (SAF). Medford, Oregon, February 21, 2006. |
© 2006 NW Maps Co.