Persephone in Oregon

The story of Persephone in Oregon is being told as a six-part series of Amazon Kindle Reader installments that can be purchased individually. This is the third chapter in her story and includes seven fine-art digital photographs as illustration with accompanying texts that describe Persophone's wonderment and concern about her rapidly changing environment after eating the blue huckleberries -- until she meets a Talking Snake who sends her on a mission to learn more.

This chapter was launched on Fall Equinox, September 23, 2018. Individual photos from Part III can be purchased as full-size (11" x 17" 300 d.p.i.) PDF files, as top-quality color prints, and/or as archival-quality photographs. Upon completion of the entire series on March 20, 2019, Persephone's story will also be told in the form of a hardcopy fine arts book of these texts and photographs.

Part III. Persephone in Oregon: Fall Equinox e-Book_$5

Cast of Characters


copyright 2019 NW Maps Co. and McKenzie Peters