Persephone in Oregon

[in order of first mention or appearance]

Persephone. The Maiden; Goddess of Rebirth, Spring, and Summer; future wife of Death and Queen of the Dead.

Sol. A distant, all-seeing Sun God who does not interfere or interact with the lesser gods of Earth or Olympus.

Luna. Goddess of the Moon; grandmother to Persephone; very wise and knowing, but likes to interfere in the lives of other gods; rules the Night and the Oceans and can’t be swayed by offerings; but blind and powerless during New Moon and Lunar eclipses.

Demeter. Goddess of domestic animals, fruits, grains, and pharmaceuticals; harshly demands regular ritualistic offerings and animal sacrifices by people to retain her image, power, and existence; generous to her obedient followers, mother to Persephone.

Coyote. Creator and namer of people, wild animals, and fishes; likes to irritate other gods by creating people in their images and then publicly humiliating them with cruel tricks. Older step-son of Demeter and half-brother to Persephone.

Pachamama. Goddess of the Earth, including all life domestic and wild; expects daily ritualistic offerings of food and drink as signs of respect -- and in order to not interfere with the lives of other gods or people; mother of Death and of the Three Sisters.

Talking Snake. Prince of Knowledge and Change; perspective is sometimes limited by being so close to the ground, but at other times this gives him greater insight and empathy.

Cascadians. Ancient transformational residents of Oregon and worshippers of Luna; living souls of blue camas.

Death. God of the Dead and King of the Deadlands; son of Pachamama, brother to the Three Sisters, and future husband of Persephone; intensely loyal, reflective, just, deliberate, cold, and considerate.

Three Dead Trees. Guardians of Death and his spokespersons; they have no individual names.

Three Sisters. Guardians of the Oregon entrance to the Deadlands; triplet daughters of Pachamama and younger sisters of Death; known individually as Ama Sua (Be Truthful), Ama Llulla (Be Honest), and Ama Quella (Do Good Work).


copyright 2018 NW Maps Co. and McKenzie Peters